Educational Psychologist
I am interested in the meaning of our lives and what makes us feel alive. I believe that therapy is a journey and a relationship. In the safety of this relationship we may bring light to abandoned and avoided parts of ourselves, and be held in the places of suffering and painful experiences; navigate transformations and celebrate our places of joy. This work is ongoing, humbling, enriching and an honour.
About Me
Angela is a psychotherapist, group therapist, family constellations facilitator, art process facilitator, yoga teacher & mother. Angela has a varied practice of teaching at South African College of Applied psychology (SACAP) and the Centre for Group Analytic Studies (CGAS), as well as co-facilitating race dialogues.She works in private practice, seeing adults and children. Angela values holding space for deep authentic dialogue, for people with themselves, with each other and within the context we are living. She loves to awaken creativity and our inner wisdom through art and connection to nature.
I have Masters in Educational psychology (2002) from University of KwaZulu Natal, BA Hons in Psychology from Rhodes University, Higher Diploma in Education from Rhodes University.
I have completed training courses:
International Postgraduate Medical Training/IPMT (Anthroposophic medicine) Western Cape, (currently completing)
Bridging Polarities through art- art process facilitator & counselling course, Cape Town (2011 – 2013)
Centre for Group Analytic Studies- Group psychotherapy training, Cape Town. (2010 – 2012)
Mindfulness stress reduction teacher development intensive, KZN (2007)
Africa Yoga teacher training 200 hours, St Francis Bay (2003)
Work Experience
I worked as a teacher for emotional and behaviourally difficult children.
I have worked therapeutically since her training. I have worked with groups, individuals and couples.
In addition, I have extensive experience working in the NGO sector as a facilitator, trainer, supervisor and in developing materials, programmes and distance learning curriculum for supporting vulnerable children and families affected by loss, HIV and poverty, as well as training people in skills for working with children, community capacity building and reflective practice. I worked for several years for dlalanathi – an NGO focussing on loss and grief work both directly with children and families as well as building capacity in communities to respond to loss. I also worked in ecotherapy, which provided group therapeutic interventions in nature, for survivors of violence and vulnerable children.
I have experience as an educator and researcher. I worked as a lecturer in the School of psychology and School of education, training and development at the University of KwaZulu Natal. I taught courses and was involved in research focussing in areas related to promoting resilience in children, barriers to education, play therapy, and participatory research approaches.
My special areas of interest are:
Working with women (addressing all issues creativity, fertility, infertility, motherhood, postnatal depression, maternal health)
Working with children with emotional and behavioral difficulties
Enhancing creativity and life purpose.
Re-establishing connection to self and other and environment, which may be damaged through trauma, major life transitions such as loss or divorce, mid life, marriage, birth, death and marriage.
Grief and loss
Art Process
Relationship support